
This project was done as part of the Designception’16 competition conducted at IIITDM Kancheepuram.

Problem Statement:
To design a container that when thrown in air, will calculate the time of flight (time between release and hitting the ground), and also store an egg without breaking.

1. Arjun Rohilla
2. Sreyas Sriram
3. Teja Balu

My role:
Brainstorming, designing mechanisms, 3D modelling and rendering in Blender.

Won first place in IIITDM Kancheepuram

Design Process

Vibranium - Impact Sensor

The Form

How Springer Works

Final Model

Design Process

Vibranium - The Impact Sensor

I prototyped a mechanism that activates when the container has sudden jerks during its movement.

How it works:

It involves a spring rod surrounded by an aluminium cylinder.

The mechanism involves a spring attached to the +ve of the circuit, and the aluminium foil around the spring is attached to the negative side of the circuit.

Whenever there is a sudden jerk to the container, like the impact to the ground, the spring wobbles and hits the aluminium foil walls. This closes the circuit and stops the countdown in the stopwatch.


Though we did not use this mechanism in the final product, we later learnt that this is the same principle in which the MEMS Accelerometer sensor works; the wobbling of the spring mass is used to change the capacitance between the plates, and the intensity of the change equals the intensity of impact.

The Form

How Springer Works

The sponge housing is used to make sure the egg does not break upon impact.

Stopwatch is used to measure the time of flight. The container is first held using the string attached to the spring in tension. When the container is released by letting go of the string, the tension releases and closes a circuit with the stopwatch start button, and the stopwatch starts.

When the container hits the ground, the magnetic switch at the bottom gets closed, closing the circuit between the stopwatch stop button, thereby stopping the count. The reading gives the time of flight.

Final Model

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Designed by Teja Balu in
