Loading Pattern Determination of Trucks

The following is a project done as part of my work at Saint-Gobain.

Problem Statement:
To automate the loading pattern determination of trucks, and specify the sequence of glass loading in the trucks to OSSPs, removing the manual intervention in between.

1. Jeyaprakash G, IT
2. John Antony, Dispatch
3. Senthil Kumaran, Dispatch Quality
4. Teja Balu, Digital Transformation

My role:
Research and collecting rules and precedence, outline architecture/pseudo-code to befollowed by IT, interface design, testing.




Maximum adjacent height difference rule

Landing Area Rule

Least reference mix-up

Thickness arrangement

Process Flow

First Iteration

Second Iteration

Third Iteration

Fourth (final) Iteration

Final Output


After discussions with the people in Warehouse like the shift in-charges, loading operators, Dispatch team leader and Dispatch Quality leader, various rules were identified, and the basis for following them were specified.

After studying the rules, it was found that the rules could be divided into two types:

  1. Mandatory Rules: These were the rules that have to be followed at all costs.
  2. Preferential Rules: These were the rules that have to be followed as much as possible, but could be violated if necessary or if in conflict with the mandatory rules.

Some of the mandatory rules are outlined below:

  1. Maximum adjacent height difference rule: On any side of the Glass stand, the maximum height difference should not be more than 300mm.
    Reason: This is a safety issue. As people get on top of the glass stands to fasten it, the height difference should not be more to ensure a stable footing.
  1. Landing Area Rule: the total width of the glasses should not exceed the total landing area of the Stand (850mm).
    Reason: The glass packs will not fit on the stand, causing an overflow.
Total length of the glass packs should not exceed the length of stand

Some of the preferential rules are outlined below:

  1. Least reference mix-up: While loading the glass packs, the similar glasses should be grouped together as much as possible.
    Reason: Reducing the mix up leads to lesser loading time, and lesser usage of consumables like the thermocol between the glass packs.
Similar glasses should always be grouped together
  1. Thickness arrangement between packs of same length and width: The thickest glasses has to be placed in contact with the stand, and the subsequent glasses should be arraned in descending order of thickness.
    Reason: The maximum vibrations are absorbed by the glass closest to the stand walls. Hence, these glasses have to be the thickest to endure most vibrations without breaking. Second thickest glasses are placed in the outer most position to absorb disturbances occuring from the opposite side.

Process Flows

The following were different process flows made using the rules to obtain the loading pattern.

First Iteration:

The following logic was not used owing to the computational intensity that occurs in generating different patterns with all permutations and combinations of glass packs arrangement.

Second Iteration:

This logic was made such that it only works for orders having 8 packs of glasses, and upto 4 differnet types of glasses. Other types of orders will have another set of process flow. this logic was not followed as this was too tedious to form logic and code.

Third iteration:

The third version of the logic was close to the required one. It can solve any number of packs and references, and is easy to convert to code.

Fourth (final) Iteration:

Upon further optimizing the logic by generating various examples and verifying them with warehouse personnel, the following logic was obtained.

A completely new reward based system was designed that ranks multiple loading patterns, and the pattern that conforms to the maximum number of rules was given as the final solution.

Final Output

The following was the interface designed which shows the top view of the truck that has to be ordered. This screen would be viewed by the Loading Operator to understand the loading pattern.

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